Congratulations to Jane Shovlin, Sara Patenge and Lina Montocalvo on an outstanding showing at the National HOSA Conference!

On June 23, 2014, 338 Arizona high school students and AzHOSA advisors traveled to Orlando, FL for the 37th National HOSA Leadership Conference.  In attendance were over 8,500 students, advisors, volunteers, judges and industry leaders, with over 6,800 students from around the nation competing in 54 events.  Arizona students had to place in the top three in the state competitions in order to qualify for the national competitions.

Arizona HOSA had competitors in all 54 competitive events and 9 recognition events and earned 2 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze medals, and another 15 competitors placed in the top 10 in the nation!  In addition, AzHOSA was recognized as the top state fundraiser for the National Service Project, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and EVIT was the top individual chapter.  Congratulations to Katherine Urrutia, GCU and Tania Munoz Saldana, GCU who were both elected to the National Executive Council and will serve as national HOSA officers for the next year.

HOSA is a student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare to all people. AzHOSA currently operates 247 chapters in 110 different high schools in Arizona with a membership of over 7500 members. AzHOSA is housed and funded in-part by Career and Technical Education Division in the Arizona Department of Education, John Huppenthal – State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  To learn more about AzHOSA, visit or contact the Arizona HOSA State Advisor, Jane Shovlin @ [email protected] or 602-228-5281.

Congratulations to all the advisors, students and officers that participated and excelled at the conference and a special thank you the Arizona Department of Education, the local school districts and Arizona AHEC’s for their continued support of AzHOSA!