Administrator Series Information

The Administrator Series is designed to provide CTE Directors with the skills needed to successfully lead the CTE enterprise within school districts.

Both current and prospective CTE Directors are encouraged to participate in this series. Through workshops offered at various conferences and local director meetings, comprehensive training on the skills needed to successfully manage state and federal grants, to strengthen the quality of teaching and learning in CTE programs, and to successfully navigate the host of leadership and management issues are offered.

One of the main providers for the Administrator Series is ACOVA, the professional association for building community, advocacy, and leadership for Arizona Career Technical Education (CTE) Administrators. ACOVA is dedicated to the continued support and training of all current and aspiring CTE Directors because CTE leadership is a journey not a destination. ACOVA’s professional development opportunities are offered annually at Camp M&M, Mini M&M, the ACOVA Fall Conference and the ACTEAZ/ACOVA Mid-Winter Conference.

Here you can find training in the following categories:

  • Mentoring
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Operations
  • Staff and Student Management
  • Current Topics

In addition, ACOVA understands that central to the work of CTE Directors is the support and advocacy of professional development for CTE teachers. Therefore, it is recommended that Directors participate in the Teacher Series in order to have a thorough knowledge of CTE best practices and to better support teachers.

Visit for more information on past and future conferences, additional resources, and to contact members of the ACOVA board.