A Centerpoint For CTE Needs
Informing the Public Regarding Career and Technical Education

The Premier (Teacher) Series is an array of courses designed to provide teachers with the skills needed to be successful as instructors in a CTE program.

The Administrator Series is designed to provide both current and prospective CTE administrators with the skills needed to successfully lead the CTE enterprise within their school district.

The Counselor Series is designed to provide information that will enable all counselors to help all students become college and career ready.

The Ambassador Series is dedicated to educating stakeholders external to CTE about the value and importance of CTE.
What is CTE?
CTE (Career and Technical Education) is an educational model that aligns secondary and postsecondary education to labor market demand, and provides students with the technical, academic and employability knowledge and skills they need for success.
Put simply, CTE prepares students for careers of their choice.
(National Association of State Directors of CTE Consortium—NASDCTEc))