Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
Below you will find a variety of resources commonly used by CTE Teachers.
- ACTE Distant Learning Resources
- ACTEAZ Premier Series
- Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
- Association for Career and Technical Education Arizona (ACTEAZ)
- Arizona Career Information System (AZCIS)
- AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
- AZ Professional Skills
- CTE Programs and Standards
- CTE Student Organizations (CTSOs)
- Embedded Credit Information
- Khan Academy
- Pima JTED Professional Development
- West-MEC Professional Development
Administrator Resources
Administrator Resources
Below you will find a variety of resources commonly used by CTE Administrators.
Counselor Resources
Counselor Resources
Below you will find a variety of resources commonly used by CTE Counselors.
- ACT National Career Readiness Certificate
- American School Counselors Association (ASCA)
- Arizona CTE Curriculum Consortium
- Arizona Department of Education
- Arizona Department of Education – CTE
- Arizona Department of Education Professional Development
- Arizona School Counselors Association (AzSCA)
- Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
- AZ Transfer
- Create a Resume
- ECAP Planning Process
- Embedded Credit Information
- Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- High School Resume Examples
- K-12 College and Career Checklists
- National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT)
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- RTI, PBIS Intervention Models
- Rocky Mountain Association for College Admission Counseling (RMACAC)
- The Arizona Career and College Pathway
Legislative Resources
Arizona Legislative Information
General Resources
General Resources
- ACT National Career Readiness Certificate
- ACTEAZ Premier Series
- ADE Connect
- Affordable Colleges Online
- American School Counselors Association (ASCA)
- Arizona Career Information System (AZCIS)
- Arizona Career Readiness Credential (ACRC)
- Arizona Council of Occupational/Vocational Administrators (ACOVA)
- Arizona Department of Education Professional Development
- Arizona Programs of Study (AZPOS)
- Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA)
- Arizona School Counselors Association (AzSCA)
- Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
- Association for Career and Technical Education Arizona (ACTEAZ)
- AzMerit
- AZ Transfer
- Big Future by The College Board
- Buck Institute - Project-based Learning
- Career & Technical Education Districts (CTEDs)
- College Affordability Guide - Arizona Colleges
- College Affordability Guide - Arizona Online Colleges
- College & Career Readiness & Success Center at American Institutes of Research
- College and Career Readiness Standards
- College Greenlight
- CTE Administrator Meeting Resources and Staff Directory
- CTE Curriculum Connection (previously AZCTECC Wiki)
- CTE Technical Skills Assessments (TSAs)
- CTE Resources - Los Angeles County Office of Education
- CTE Strong
- CTE Student Organizations (CTSO)
- ECAP Planning Process
- EDGAR/Finance Guides
- Embedded Credit Information
- Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- GCU Live Lessons
- K-12 College and Career Checklists
- Learn How to Become - Postsecondary Opportunities in CTE
- Learn How to Become - Accessing Opportunities in Postsecondary CTE
- National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)
- National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT)
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- Pima JTED Professional Development
- Rocky Mountain Association for College Admission Counseling (RMACAC)
- RTI, PBIS Intervention Models
- Teacher Certification
- The Arizona Career and College Pathway
- The Simple Dollar - A Single Parent's Financial Guide to Returning to School
- Uniform System Of Financial Records (USFR)
- West-MEC Professional Development
- Professional Skills