CTE Teacher of the Year
Robyn Bryce
Prescott USD
Robyn Bryce has built her CTE Program from inception. Robyn has a scientific research approach to leverage curriculum planning phases. This includes collaborations with nationally renowned research and technology university professors to vertically align her secondary courses to University Graduation. Grant writing and partnerships have fostered several well-respected community organizations, and her students achieve CTE certificates.
Her high school Broadcast Media Program has achieved National Recognition. The first Broadcast class was attendees at media summer camp hosted by Score Vision on the campus of the University of Nebraska. Ms. Bryce raised funds to take ten students and one student won the overall media competition.
Ms. Bryce partnerships also allowed her to raise the funding to build the State of the Art it Advanced Modern Manufacturing and Automation Lab at Prescott High School where she teaches 3D design and printing. Her lab was built to provide aerospace grade software with plenty of computing power and multi-substrate outputs like large gantry 3D printing and high impact vinyl printers and plotters used today in their respective industries.
She has worked very closely with generous foundations to support the grant writing process to benefit her programs as well as the community at large. She was the catalyst to form a partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America which would subsequently garner heavy publicity as Ms. Bryce and her Media students would go on to produce two years of a wildly popular live dance program which saw her students as the broadcast crew at the helm. This was a wildly publicized live red-carpet event attended by the mayor and district attorney.
Robyn Bryce supports the greater CTE community in many ways during the summer and her off time designing and providing STEM education camp curriculum to Native American kids on the Navajo reservation. She provides and instructs teachers through Professional Development seminars and trainings to help her fellow teachers learn how to utilize technology in their classrooms such as google classroom. She has organized CTE learning development opportunities for her fellow teachers at Embry Riddle Universities Robotics and Engineering Lab. Robyn is a Google Certified Trainer who teaches and presents at national google events. Robyn has been a tech presenter at various national conventions like ISTE and others.